Thursday, December 16, 2010

360 Turn Around By: Kim Warner

Moses, was a man raised up for God's work, he had the advantage of living in the pharoah's home and reaping the amenities of God's grace. I'm sure your asking what's this she's saying? I'm saying his mother like Mary Jesus mother knew there was an divine appointment with his life. AS we look back in the timing we find that the order was sent out to kill all the male factors. Mose's father and mother kept him hid and a secret until they couldn't keep him any longer. His mother set him in a basket and sent him down the river. She knew someone would recieve him because she knew the gathers in that area would be there. the gatherers where the pharoahs people . Pharoah's Duaghter was the one that recieve the boy and raised him as her own in the palace.
Time has past and mose is a grown man, he observes the beating the slaves are recieveing and it's affecting him. It bothers him so that he goes out to stop and egypttian from beating and slave and Mose's kill's the egyptian slave driver. So Mose returns home and the news has traveled to pharoah. Moses knows that his stay is over. He runs into the wilderness.The wilderness is merely a state of mind that one retreats to when confused. Until the confusion is mastered you like moses will be in the wilderness.Upon Moses awakening from this state of mind, he finds himself in a man named Jethros home, and Jethro is a priest. Jethro has land and flock he shepherds and also a lovely daughter Zipphorah. Moses marries this young woman and so Jethro imparts all his knowledge into Moses. These flock we've read thinking it's animal isn' animals now. Read to gain wisdom, the bible always refers to shepherds as leaders and flock is the following.
So Jethro leaves Moses to watch over the flock and the have such a good time in worship that the anointing comes over Moses and, Moses imagines a busch burning and it's talking to him. So Moses begins to walk up to see closer what he's hearing a voice coming out of and as he gets closer the voice out of the busch says "don't come any closer, Take off those shoes this is Holy ground your entering into!" I'm sure Moses said what is going on? But God will never allow the human to bring anything of his into his presence and the shoes or sandals present the intellect of man. you can't take your thoughts to God when he know's all. what go is it then you wouldn't get the fullness of what the presence is releasing to you. Anyway The word begins to tell him, that his peole have been in the wilderness crying for 40 years and moses you must go and bring my people out of captivity. Mose is thinkning me why, and how do I do this? The word of God responds and says, I wil be with you. Moses say's who shall I say sent me, when I go for them? Tell them IAM , The GOD of Abraham Issac, and Jacob. I fine this to be very intriguing because, the same place Moses left, because of killing someone is the same place God sent him back to free his people. Moses was sent back to the scene of a crime he commited to let the people see that God is truly a redeemer. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, or the word came and changed me, it raised me. Im not who I used to be, I've been through the firethe flood and through the rain and he never left me. I've been washed in the blood of the crucified one I've been redeemed.Redemption will always send the example of what is to be.It is the mind and heart of man that becomes the deciding factor in his fate.

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