Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Lords Supper or Idol's and they're feast? By: Kim Warner

I Corithians10:14 Speaks on the idol's feast and "The Lord's supper"
The participation of the blood covenant is as it said. some are not a ware of the intenseness of the covenant. The blood covenant is a people who reside under the one who shed blood for or whoever the facts of the discussion on this matter is being brought forth. In this case Iam giving a clearer view for Jesus Christ. To Drink his blood meant to become a follower of his teaching .This is what he was teaching. Why he was teaching this was to give understanding on what it would take to overcome you and the world you have created. The earthly man has a genetic blood line given to him to get him into the world and set in position to make a choice of the work he chooses to do. By this I'm saying the path gives choices, its a decision of the individual to choose life or death. Without knowledge of your surroundings one has already been given death. It is up to the one to decided for the life of abundance that is lying dormant ready to be awaken.
The blood came forth through the cross experience that Jesus was delivered into. Those who delivered him were of his teaching as we know. Others were conspirers, who was jealous of his gift. We that walk by his example see and feel this to. The cross is good we must embrace it because the cross,released the blood of genetics out of him leaving him dead from the worldy inhabitants of himself and his forefathers. As the the blood is drained he went into the realm of spirit and he met with hell and all the demons the people on earth fight with. This battle was do you die satan in me or do I allow you to kill God in me!? So the mission was and is still kill the enemy. He fought the good fight of Faith holding on to the prophetic words his father gave him not swaying in his mind of thought that was given from his lineage. His thought atmosphere which he was made out of in spirit was and still is truth. His fight was won with truth. The thoughts is the anchor to pull one into the expected end, by Faith. After the fight in hades he really overcame himself, the self in him, the me, and I , doubt, and I think I cans. He demonstrated a victorious fight through the master in him coming forth. The master in us is not allowed to come forth with ease because our flesh and what were made of doesn't want this to happen. This why the blood has to be drained of old and then transformation begins to come forth , as in the scripture don't put old wine in new skin. The disciples were being fed the same things God had given Jesus to show him the way up. The fallacy in all men is obediance and direction.
The reward of endurance for Jesus was and is life abundantly. With all the teachings he gave the disclpes there were some who doubting what God was saying to him and through him. When the crucifiction happen and he rose as he said then they begin to believe more. They wre amazed to see him waliking around,but he said he would. How did this happen they must have said to themselves? It was the stuff they he had that brought him through no one truly saw this mans mind nor what he felt about what he had to face. But he did it all to show my blood is the exceptable coevnant to the father. Allow that follow me to the cross will be rewarded with what I have been given. Drink my Blood and be changed let go of who you useto be. Be me now he's saying to the people. My father lives in you, you can do it if you only believe. So it is his desire for you when his will align in you.
The new testament is what it says. The new beginning I grant you to start over. You fought a great fight know your reward is here. Remember the new in you is a choice, He could have choose to stay the same and not follow the Father's directions. It is a decision over the matters in life that hold us in the thoughts of earthly matter. Realize these matters are served, whats been served is dead and gone. There is no creation in them, God is creative and he is renewing. The matters of life is what hung Judas. Don't be decieved and held back by what you think you have to do when God is doing a new thing for you.To agree with the new is to agree with the New Testament ." Eat my body" he said, people question that word. Some understand it and don't follow it. After the house has been swept clean the bible say's you must fill it with the inhabitants of the pretense or the old will come back. Without eating daily bread you will return to old and miss the ihheritance set for you. The inheritance is given through and agreement of recieving truth that God has set for his people. When one follows the leading of truth they can't be held back. Up is the way, you look up and you will go up. By this I mean Psalm 121 says I will look to heaven, in heaven my answer waits me. I must begin to pull heaven into my experience here in earth because its is the way of the Lord. The daily bread I ask for is the Lords body taking over consuming me and edifying me in all my deeds to get me into the wealth he promised me. Bleloved I wish for you to prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. Souls are not propspering without the food given to change them. Food is in thought, think on the good and not the bad think of me your father what I am doing in your time of need . Think on love for I am love, think think think all good ! The bill got paid I'll praise you, oh the lights Got turn off I'll praise you in advance your turning them back on. I lost my house, ok i'm getting back up after my fall and find another one. God empties to take over and do what you can't. He a God of supernatural occurances. Who are you working without his endowment? Its just a test for the new in you. The earnings of my yesterdays was only from the sweat of my brow the curse, the house I had was the house of the acursed, the bills were the curse. My attitude was from the curse, the lust of my flesh got me into the cusres! Own up to the thief in you, the gossiper in you the lyer in you and change for the work is at hand. Change for the child your influencing is at hand. The change in you is the daily bread you eat. What you eat is what you become. God only breaks down that he's going to build up, he rebukes to redefine you. The blood saves and it raises all who follow it to death but truly no death could hold him so what can it do to you? When you use the stuff God has given you to work with You can't lose. Give us this day our daily Bread give us your word today father before we begin our day. Let me know your alignment and intention for this day. The bread that brings us life it is the word of God the testament that is giving New Life! Start your "New Testament" today.